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Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Aug 1, 20243 min read
The Number One Answer You Need to Book VO Work!
New voice actors have a deep well of questions when getting started. Thankfully, in many cases the answer is straightforward.

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Jul 17, 20244 min read
Simple Strategy Professional Voice Actors Use to Earn More...
Professional Voiceover Actors make a good living. How come you're struggling with low paying jobs that come far and few between?

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Jul 8, 20244 min read
Six Steps for Voiceover Success in 2024
If you haven't mastered these 6 steps in VO, you're not going to be able to work in 2024. Some are easier than others.

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Jun 25, 20245 min read
There's a new VO scam in town. Please watch so you don't fall victim!
The classic Game Show scam is still around, BUT, there is a new scam in town, and they might not just be coming for your money.

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Jun 11, 20245 min read
How to handle bad voiceover direction.
How to deal with bad voiceover directors, because, they are out there.

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Jun 4, 20242 min read
If you Up-Speak in VO you're not going to get cast. Here's how to stop it.
Casting agents HATE up-speak! If you've ever caught yourself doing it, there is a way to stop.

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
May 1, 20244 min read
It's the battle of punctuation! East Coast vs. West Coast!
Should you ignore punctuation or honor it? Well, it kinda depends on a couple of things.

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Apr 17, 20243 min read
How to be a parent of a voice-over kid, let's talk.
If you're a parent of a young actor who wants to get into VO, then there is a lot that you're going to need to know.

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Apr 10, 20246 min read
Find Voiceover work without the online casting sites.
Finding VO work isn't a mystery. And you don't have to use the online casting sites that pay horrible rates. Let's talk about how you can.

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Apr 3, 20244 min read
Why there are so many cringey voice over coaches?
The voiceover industry is full of great VO actors. But that doesn't mean they'll make a good VO coach. What should you do?

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Mar 27, 20243 min read
All about Meditation Voiceover.
The recent surge in popularity of online guided meditation has helped many people. As a voice actor, has this helped us book work?

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Mar 19, 20244 min read
This is an amazing way to solve the dreaded voiceover mush mouth.
Oftentimes times voice actors can struggle with diction and enunciation. This is referred to in the voiceover community as mush mouth.

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Feb 19, 20243 min read
If you've ever wondered if you have what it takes to be a voice actor... watch this.
Casting agents can tell right away if you have "it". What is "it"? How do you know if you have "it"? There is a way to find out.

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Jan 30, 20244 min read
Are you "Breathy"? It may keep you from booking work.
Are you "Breathy"? It may keep you from booking work.

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Jan 24, 20246 min read
One of the biggest lessons in the voiceover business.
Your time as a business owner is valuable. When you quote a job, you're selling your time and expertise. Are you willing to say no?

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Jan 16, 20243 min read
Get the most out of your VO booth!
Do you know how to rock your booth? Like, use the whole space when you're voice acting? You should. Let's talk about it.

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Dec 27, 20233 min read
This voiceover mistake can ruin your reputation.
Be very careful with how you manage your conflicts in voice-over. If you mess up, you can easily ruin your reputation in the industry.

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Dec 22, 20236 min read
Don't get burned getting paid for your VO work...
What's the difference between a side hustle and a voice-over career? The answer... 1099. Yep. Make sure you're prepared for the tax man.

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Dec 20, 20235 min read
Do casting agents blacklist older voice talent?
The answer might surprise you. Voice actors like Randy Thomas continue to rock the mic, but what does it take to work as you get older?

Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Dec 7, 20233 min read
Hell Hath Frozen Over...
There's a new audio tool in town. One that could change the way we edit and submit long form content for good. Let's talk about it.
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