HOW TO WORK IN voiceover Â
Hey there aspiring voice actor. I'm glad you are here. If you are trying to figure out what you should be doing to make money in voice over, you're in the right place.
I believe this information will help you to determine if a career in voice acting is right for you.
Your first goal should be to educate yourself on what exactly a career in voiceovers is and if it is a good fit for your life.
Please take your time with this process. If you are a hyper-hamster and rush through the learning process, not only will you NOT see results, but you'll waste time and money.
But what do I know :) - I've only been making a living at this since FOREVER!
So, I say this with love...
SLOW THE F*&# DOWN! Take your time, enjoy the journey, and focus on your education!
it's just talking...right?
You can put 20 voiceover actors in a room and it’s likely they will all describe their profession differently. That's because the industries we serve can vary – greatly.
Voiceover is not a single industry. We are a collective of service providers that cater to various individual industries. Confused? Ok, let me explain.
Most voiceover actors have a specialty (a genre they serve,) or a particular skill set that meets the needs of a specific client or application. We literally don’t all do the same thing.
Not all voiceover actors excel in all areas of voiceover performance. When you meet and talk to voiceover actors alwaysask them what area(s) of voiceover they work in.
Things voice actors share in common:
We are independent business owners or solopreneurs.
All voiceover actors talk into a microphone for a living.
We own, maintain, and operate our own (mini) recording facility, usually from homes.
All voice actors are excellent readers with above-average vocabularies who read aloud with only a minimal number of errors.
We are paid as freelance vendors or contract employees by the companies who hire us.

Types of voiceover work
TV Promo
Corporate Narration
Radio Imaging
Video Game
In-Show Narration
Audio Books
This is not even a complete list! It's some of the common
jobs voiceover actors are hired to fulfill.
Medical Narration
Here’s another way to view the maze of various voiceover jobs.
Teachers share a professional job title. However, there is a vast difference in the skills and expertise of an elementary school teacher compared to a college physics professor.
High School art teachers and corporate trainers are also types of teachers. You encounter hundreds of teachers in your life but not all of them are math teachers. The same is true for voice actors.

Ready to learn more? I recommend...
I also offer...
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Appointments are Eastern Time (USA). This will take place over Zoom
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One more thing
If you are struggling to afford voiceover coaching but you know that you need help learning, I recommend
My friend and fellow voiceover actor Anthony Pica runs this amazing group. I teach a weekly class with them too.
The Academy is packed with archival learning from previous classes, new classes, live events, plus the most amazing voiceover Discord group I have ever seen! It's a private group for members and it is the answer to voiceover social media burnout.