When it comes down to it, if you haven't mastered these 6 steps in VO, you're not going to be able to work in 2024. Some are easier than others.
Six Steps for Voiceover Success in 2024 - 5:58
Hey guys, thanks for joining me on this edition of The Gift of Gab. Today we are going to talk about six easy steps that you can take to book the voiceover job of your dreams. Stick around!
This is for all my voice over newbies, anybody who's been in the industry for less than two years, who are really looking to understand exactly what it takes to make money in voice over and to be able to book the jobs that you want. Ready? We're going to go through it.
**Step 1: Audio**
You absolutely, positively have to have great audio. There is no getting around this, guys. There is no excuse for poor audio. There is no way to avoid the audio quality subject. Your audio has to be amazing. Period. End of story. If there are any technical problems with your studio, that is going to prevent you from being able to book the kind of work that you want.
**Step 2: Copy**
You have to be able to connect with the copy and the audience being targeted. Inside of your copy, how well a lot of it comes down to personality, it comes down to artistic choices, but mostly it comes down to whether or not you are a credible speaker for that target audience and for the product that is being sold. Which is where I always say it is perfectly okay to pass on a job or to pass on an audition if it's not the right script for you. But if it is the right script for you, you've got to make a connection because if the audience isn't connecting with you, then you're not connecting with the cash.
**Step 3: Be Findable**
Your online presence, be it your website, social media, everything in today's digital age can be important to whether or not you book work. Decision makers absolutely, positively take a look at what we are doing online when they are considering hiring, and you want to be there. You want to have a solid presence because the decision makers want to know that they are working with a professional, not a hobbyist, not somebody who does this part-time, but someone who is actually invested in this industry.
**Step 4: Communicate Well**
This should go without saying, right? We're in the communication field. But, kind of surprising. Be courteous but be brief, be thankful and humble, be accommodating, be easy to book. I'm still always amazed by the kinds of time constraints and excuses that casting directors are often faced with. Guys, we can't do that. We have to be bookable. We have to be available for work. We can't forget to tell somebody when we've gone out of town. We can't forget to tell them when we don't have availability. You've got to make their life easier, not the other way around.
**Step 5: Have Access to Industry Tools**
The tools of the industry. This goes beyond just having a studio. Yeah, you need a studio. We established that in Step number one. I'm talking about the advanced tools. I'm talking about things like Source Connect, Zoom, Google Meet, a really good DAW that people recognize, your software, your recording software, things like Adobe Audition or Pro Tools or Isotope. You have to have the tools that the industry considers standard. And again, that makes everyone's life easier in order to work with you.
**Step 6: Be Fast**
Number six, be fast. I don't necessarily mean fast to the audition. I'm talking about within the job itself and your credibility as an actor. Being fast means fewer takes. And the fewer takes inside of a job, the quicker the session, the more praise you're going to receive. And time is money for everyone involved in a production. So, the more they can depend on you to be efficient and reliable, they know they're going to save time. They know they're going to save money. And honestly, that's how you get repeat business and that's how you get clients that come back to you time and time and time again because they just know what a wonderful experience it is working with you.
So, there you go. Six steps to voice over success. If you want help with any of them, if you're getting stuck anywhere, if you need more assistance, I am here for that as a coach. It is what I do. I work with talent at all levels. I mentor. I help you to figure out what the problem areas are and to start correcting them. And if my services aren't right for you, I will gladly recommend you to another coach who can assist.
In addition to that, another great tool that I am a huge fan of and you guys have heard me talk about by now, Pozotron. Pozotron.com is where you're going to find out more information. Also, be sure to check out their YouTube channel. It's a really great resource. Pozotron is a must-have for voice actors who are doing long-form projects and for those of you who are engaging in audiobooks. It is a game-changer for this industry. Check them out and I'll see you soon with another video, guys.
704-674-8294 / GabrielleNistico.com / gabby@voiceovervixen.com
Gabrielle Nistico, Gabby Nistico, The Voiceover Vixen, The Business First VO Coach, #VoiceoverVixen #VoiceOnFire #BusinessFirstVOCoach Voiceover, Charlotte, North Carolina, Voiceover Demo, Voiceover Coaching Advice, Working Actors, Los Angeles, New York, Linkedin, how to be a voice actor, Source elements, source connect, Zoom, skype, adobe audition, protools, izotope, technology, how to book voiceover work
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