JJ has been a voice actor since he was 5 years old and he is here to give a quick tip on something you can do during an audition. Take a listen.
Be sure to check out his website to learn more - https://www.jjwilsonvo.com/
704-674-8294 / GabrielleNistico.com / gabby@voiceovervixen.com
Gabrielle Nistico, Gabby Nistico, The Voiceover Vixen, The Business First VO Coach, #VoiceoverVixen#VoiceoverVixen #VoiceOnFire#VoiceOnFire #BusinessFirstVOCoach#BusinessFirstVOCoach Voiceover, Success, Entrepreneur, Marketing Strategies, Income, Home Studio, Recording, Microphone, Professional, Coaching, Voiceover Coaching, VO Coaching, Voiceover Coaches, Working Actors, Los Angeles, New York, Charlotte, North Carolina, Audition, advice, career coaching, career advice, professional advice, JJ Wilson, audio