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How Your Pet Can Make You A Better VO Talent

**Warning: Video may be too cute for the faint of heart.

As voice actors, sometimes we can get stuck in a vocal rut. Especially with character work! So, how do we break through the blah? Play with a puppy! Or a kitty, or birdy or ferret - whatever! Animals bring out the whimsical side of us - and from that whimsy, fun character voices are born! 

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How Your Pet can Make You a Better VO Talent – 2:48

Sometimes I work with the beginners who really struggle with their character work, and they tell me that they don't have any voices in them, or they don't know how to come up with voices. And you know, I think it’s a pretty easy process. I’ve always been pretty playful with my voice. I’ve always done goofy things, I’ve always made goofy noises. I did a lot of mimicking as a kid, and I think sometimes adults have kind of gotten away from that, especially if you’re coming out of the corporate world, very easy to have happen. Somewhere along the lines, a lot of people just stop playing. And that can really stifle that creative process and keep you from being able to come up with things and to have those creative juices flowing and moving, so I have an idea for you, OK? It’s really not that complicated and it’s something you’ll probably enjoy. All you have to do is get yourself one of these. Hi!!

Animals are the bestest way to come up with voices ever because look at this! How could you not? And you’re so cute, and cuddly, and squeezy, and oh my God, I love you, and I want to eat your face, oh la la la la la! Hi. Hi baby. Anytime you can take advantage of a dog, or a cat, or a turtle, or a hamster or a parakeet, do it, because we all do this. We make all kinds of goofy, funny sounds for these guys, just in playing with them, and you know, doing everything we can to encourage their natural curiosity and their playfulness. Brings out the playfulness in you too. So use your pets. Even if they’re older, they don’t have to be a baby puppy. Baby puppies are great. This is Aria, by the way. She’s the newest addition to the studio mutts, but they don't have to be baby babies, even though cute little fluff balls are great. They could just be your adult dog like Dorian here. Hi buddy, hey buddy, who’s brought me a bunny. Hey, what's going on? I'm the Blue Bunny. What you wan’ do, man? You wan’ play? See how easy that is? Blue Bunny. [laughs] Just have fun, be goofy, be silly, take some risks, use these guys as inspiration. Thanks for watching.

Hey guys, thanks for watching. If you want more advice from me, please go to my website or you can subscribe for my monthly videos, and if you want to see some more, here's a couple to take a look at.

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Gabrielle Nistico, Gabby Nistico, The Voiceover Vixen, The Business First VO Coach, #VoiceoverVixen #VoiceOnFire #BusinessFirstVOCoach Voiceover, Success, Entrepreneur, Voiceover Coaching, VO Coaching, Voiceover Coaches, Working Actors, Los Angeles, New York, Charlotte, North Carolina, auditioning tips, audition help, voiceover tips, pets, dogs, cats, playfulness, puppies, character voices

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